[OOC] To my dear readers: the lack of update was due to a sudden influx of actual work at work, resulting in a mad scramble to finish a technical presentation and report... But of course it all went well... A most satisfying big bang to end my internship on, despite some moments of dullness in between. Blog updates will be sporadic in the months of July and August due to travel and relocation, but expect another post to come in a few days - a rather opinionated topic that I've been wanting to write about for ages but just did not have the time for. [/OOC]
Aye, a lot has happened over the past few weeks in Curse indeed. First of all, The Requiem alliance has formed with the following corps: Game-Over, Corp 1 Allstars, Celestial Apocalypse (ex-Insurgency), Body Count Inc. (ex-Mercernary Coalition), D00M, Rionnag Alba, and Coracao Ardente (ex-Triumvirate). Greetings to Mr Winterblink of Warp Drive Active (update your podcast pls), bloggers, reporters like Yalson, and Seleene of BDCI, who has a lovely magnetic radio voice!
Anyone not unfamiliar with alliance politics can easily see that these are the cream of the crop from powerful alliances that had fallen to hard times - entities that once ruled over large swathes of Eve: INSRG in Branch against the Northern Coalition, MC in Branch vs the NC and forming Tortuga in Period Basis, and Tri in Deklein steamrolling everything in their nano ships of doom. Acceptances to these corps are by invitation only, and most of them can field more capitals than a small alliance. I feel honored to be flying with all of them.
A ferocious war machine when you combine the power of all these pvpers, more powerful than all three ex-alliances combined... The potential to become the next fearsome superpower...
Except that thus far, the road has been a rocky and expensive one. Just yesterday Game-Over lost her titan to Tau Ceti Federation and Interstellar Alcohol Conglomerate, the one that I so proudly pictured in my previous post. I was there on the battlefield when the Ragnarok went down to TCF capitals sieging a POS due to a borked cyno and good baiting on their part. A very sad day for the alliance, but it has only served to deepen my commitment to Game-Over. And just a few days before this, I got my first carrier kill on F0undation alliance, except that an argument between fleet commanders and overzealous hotdrops resulted in 4 friendly carriers being lost. Despite these losses, the Triumvirate presence is significant and I've already gotten over 50 kills in this alliance, which pales in comparison to the daily diet of some other more active players. And organization is starting to get better within leadership, which as we all know is the basis on which a solid alliance is based.
But this is just the beginning. Who knows what the future will bring? How long will we remain in Curse, the home of the ArchAngels? Will we implode from a clash of egos? How many warzones will our campaigns create on the sovereignty map? The phoenix has risen and you can be certain that it does not have peace on its mind...
The Beauty of Eve Online
7 hours ago
Nice blog lady :) bummer about the Titan
Do you really think an alliance consisting mainly of bloated egos will do any good? It is what killed tri, mc, smash and countless other alliances..
We'll see how it goes, but i don't think this will last long. There are a lot of fine pilots in the alliance - but you need more for an alliance to actually work, and not stab each other on the killboards.
But the invitation only thing is a step in the right direction. We only have 6 major corps in MM for a reason - it simply doesn't work with a lot of corps thrown together. But i think you know that already. ;)
Good Luck. We'll meet again.
(Btw., slap nebba. Srsly, that fitting and deployment was awful)
Oh geez bato. No matter how polite you try to be, you can be a bit of a troll sometimes, lol.
Do you even know the inner workings of the alliances you mentioned? Tri was definitely made up of egos, yes. We're seeing some of it in D00m. OSHT made up a lot of the bloated egos too. MC was made up of fine pilots who didn't really make their egos as huge as Tri's. Smash and egos don't mix, because they were carebears to start with.
Killboard stabbing hasn't happened *yet* and I'd imagine would be frowned upon.
I am a realist and I have my qualms about this alliance, but srsly, stop being a total doomsayer. I don't mean to bash MM, but the only reason you guys are alive is because of the huge naptrain which is turning the North into a carebear zone. And you know how D2 ended...
Yes, i am a doomsayer. The world needs pessimists!
I'm just not overly optimistic when it comes to newer alliances, especially if made of old players and established corps. They tend to die horribly. (And produce 20 pages of internal drama on caod about how one corp did everything, and another was just hugging moons..you know what happens)
I wish you luck. Wonder what color you will get on the sovmap.
p.s. no trolling intended. If i wanted to troll, i'd go to caod. Not that i go there too often, the only good threads are those anyways.
I see your point, mind you. I personally have my reservation regarding Requiem, especially the ex-Tri and ex-INSRG corps - already there are clashes of personalities.
We have not started on the right foot. I like my current corp very much, so even if the alliance does not work out, I will likely stay. But only time can tell, as with all things...
Btw, the world needs more realists, not optimists, not pessimists... I'd take a pessimist over an optimist any day though.
Pessismists are realists with experience. :)
Yay, you're back! Nice catch-up blog, been really busy myself to play much Eve. Next entry will be me taking my spanking new carrier out for it's maiden voyage. Gulp.
ahh.. the egos win.
Best of luck to you Bri! Good to see your still alive, kicking and in good spirts. Will be interesting to see how things turn out. Perhaps we'll meet in space again =)
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